Saturday, December 30, 2006

Regained Password & Some thoughts on Church

Haven't posted anything onn this blog for a while. The reason was that somehow i didn't realized the account to login to the blog was through the Google Account. That means I've been locked out of this blog for quite a while until now. Arhhh...the confusion.

Anyway, its now New Year's Eve's Eve. Few questions have crossed my mine since then on Churches in Singapore that I have noticed. Thought i pen them down here.

1. There appears to be a level of Isomorphisim in our churches (ie. Where organizations start copying one another). Many start having these things called Worship Teams, Outreach Teams or what ever you call it. Sermons from Pastors start looking similar with motivational slants. Music in church for congregational singing starts being contemporized.

The question i suppose is why?

My current take on this is that these have absolutely nothing to do with this is how the church should be like. But it has to do with churches responding to a percieved external "threat" or "challenge" whatever you might want to call it. I believe this is probably due to the rise of Mega Churches in Singapore. What i call the big 3. City Harvest Church, FCBC and New Creation Church.

Churches in the past mostly do not look like what many do now. "Contemporified" with the move towards being relevant.

Of course there are probably other social factors that contribute to such current church structures like the impact of Western organizational patterns on Singapore and the trickle down effect of these ideas into the Church.

More on this another time.


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